Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Indian Rhinoceros Animal HD Images Photo

Indian Rhinoceros HD Photo Images Wallpapers Download & info

The Indian Rhinoceros Animal Full size HD images Photo Downloads Info big size pics

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Great Indian Rhinoceros :-

Rhinoceros Animal HD Images Photo
The Indian one-horned Rhinoceros is also called in India is name is Gainda, The Indian Rhinoceros are World largest land animal. In India Rhinoceros are one horned Rhinoceros mostly in Africa Rhinoceros are Two horned Rhinoceros but in India Rhinoceros are one Rhinoceros The Rhinoceros are guarded in very thick silver brown. The Indian one horned Rhinoceros body Fully covered for heavy skin its start head neck to the bum. The Indian one-horned rhinoceros hair are only in eye area and tail. Diet of The Indian one-horned rhinoceros mainly eat mostly grass fruits small plants. Kaziranga National Park India have contain Rhino Population. Here you view And Download Best photo of Rhinoceros gainda and Latest Rhinoceros Image free Wallpaper Rhino beautiful Rhino Baby cub Picture Best Quality Rhinoceros images for mobile and PC Background free Available rhino pics 1080p siz.
Rhinoceros Animal photo Images
Size of  The Great Indian one horned rhinoceros

Wait:-     In Male 21,00 kg in Female 16,00 kg Approximately by zoo 

Height:-  In Male 1.6 to 1.9 in Female 1.5 to 1.7 Approximately At Shoulder 
              by zoo population 

Length:-  In Male 3.7 to 3.8 in Female 3.1 to 3.5 Approximately Head and 
              body by zoo population 

Speed :- 50 to 55 km/h at running

Gestation period :- 16 month

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

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Monday, 23 January 2017

Indian Animal Photo Downloads & Info

India Animal HD images Photo Downloading Info 2024

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India's animal Most Dangerous animal India's killing animal India Bharat ke sab se khatarnak Janavar Top Ranking of Indian riskily animal Also India's deadliest snakes species The Bengal Tiger Animal in India Indian Asiatic Lion animal King Cobra Hd Wallpaper Indian animal Red Scorpion Dangerous animal in India


There are so many species of snakes, their venom can kill people in the moment, many of these species are found in India estimated snakes India (India), about 5,000 people are killed each year is very danger for Indian people for which is travel in the forest or any area of forest
The snake of India is king cobra is very dangerous its biggest snake in the word
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2:Tiger (Bengal Tiger)

In India's Bengal tiger is very dangerous animal is the jungal of Sundar van The Bengal tiger is Attack approximately 1000 people in year this data is strange for any

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3:Asiatic Lion(Lions of Gujarat Gir) 

          ln India only one species of lion this is An Asiatic Lion this lion are found in the gujart gir jungal. Asiatic Lion are king of the jungal of gujarat its very dangerous animal but normally lions are do not attack to people in very rare cases lion are attack to people 

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      The Red Scorpion of India is deadliest in India. The Scorpion bite are killed people in india is 80 to 100 people in year. 86 species of Scorpion in india and 50 species is very dangerous

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5:Elephant (Asian Elephant)

      The Asian Elephant are mostly attack when is with us her group in yearly people killed an Elephant for her Long teeth. But Elephant are killed people yearly 2000 people approximately


     Leopard India is one of the most dangerous animals Leopard each year in India because of the attack resulting in the deaths of many folks, but the panther is a wild animal in the forest adjacent to the Hue area Leopard attacks get to hear these day is abnormally 
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Sunday, 22 January 2017

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Friday, 13 January 2017

Asiatic Lion Hd Photos

The Asiatic Lion HD photos of Gujarat. The Asiatic Lion 1080p Wallpaper most dangerous animal of gir forest. The Asiatic lion top HD images New Picture gallery of lion of Gujarat Gir jungal Gir National park HD Full size lion Wallpaper Asiatic lion of gujarat gir forest photos Best 5 photo of Asiatic lion in gir forest Great Indian lion HD photo Gallery 2024. The lion of Gujarat in the gir jungal. In Gir national park of Gujarat found an Asiatic lion.
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    The Asiatic lion are you can see in the image. A lion of Gujarat is called Asiatic lion is very dangerous animal in Gujarat. The Asiatic lion are very small species are found in Gujarat Gir jungal, Gujarat gir national park are created for an Asiatic lion.
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           Lions of  Gujarat gir forest mostly people are do not know about the lion of gir Gujarat, In Gujarat gir forest lion are found. After Africa, you can seen the lion lively on the forest in Asia it's possible only in Gujarat gir forest.
Gujarat Lion HD images
        The lion in gir forest are category in the hunter animal spices. The lions are mostly found in the forest in set of 3-5 or more lions group.The Gujarat mostly know for a  land of lion's, The Asian lions. The Asian lion is different than the African lion.An Asiatic lions and African visible different is Asiatic lions are smaller size than the African lions, Asiatic lions have a thicker coat, a longer tail tassel and an abdominal skin.
Asiatica Lion HD Images
        Animals of all species to be found in Gujarat.In Asia lion are only seen in the gir forest of Gujarat mostly we are seen the lion only in Africa, But most people are do not know is lion is also found in Gujarat. Here not only the lion's you can also sen here lot of animal spices and different generation of them, So let's known about  few animal of them 
       Gujarat lions are mostly found on sasan is part of Gujarat. A Sasan Gir Forest National Park is a Sanctuary for Asiatic lions.You can see the lion in Sasan gir forest park. The Sasan Gir Forest National Park is open for a visitors for in time November to January is best time to visit a Sasan Gir Forest National Park, so you can see the lion in real life in forest on gir. The park is close period 15 June to September.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

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Gujarat top 5 national parks and sanctuary biography

      Gir National Park : Jambugoda Wildlife Sanctuary : Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary : Barda Hills Wildlife Sanctuary: Gaga Wildlife Sanctuary : Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary: Kutch Bustard Sanctuari Nalsarowar Bird sanctuary 
             Gujarat are lands of and many Animal spices the Gujarat contain number of sanctuary.Gujarat is mostly known for a business, but many people are unaware of the state from wildlife.About 20 sanctuaries and national forests in Gujarat.Animals of all species to be found in Gujarat.In Asia only lion are seen in the gir forest of Gujarat mostly we are seen the lion only in Africa, But most people are do not know is lion is also found in Gujarat . Here not only the lion's you can also sen here lot of animal spices and different generation of them , So let's known about  few animal of them in our web sites.
Gujarat sanctuary & National Park  

         There are 20 National Parks and sanctuaries in Gujarat.The sanctuary has considered all species of animals.Let us know about some of the Sanctuaries. The Sanctuary and National Parks is contain various type of animal species and bird  species. In National Parks and sanctuaries areas are strictly protected animal, all animal are safe in National Parks and sanctuaries by human bean. We are do not travel without permit in the National Parks and sanctuaries. All over word people or tourist are come in Gujarat  for see in Asian lion in the Gujarat National Parks of Gir.
        The tour Gujarat National Parks and sanctuaries we can apply for select trip on Gujarat forest,National Parks and sanctuaries. we can easily apply for this trip of Gujarat.
       So lets start know about of Gujarat National Parks and sanctuaries with that all specification of all animal and bird species.

Gir National Park:

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             Gujarat the land of lion, Only Asian lions live in the Gir National Park in Gujarat.The Gir National Park away from Somnath to Gir National Park.Gir animals found in the forest, and most species of birds. Gir National Park is set in the south of Gujarat south Gujarat is also called is a Kathiyavad and proper language lions also called a "Savaj" 
            Gujarat lions are mostly found on sasan is part of Gujarat. A Sasan Gir Forest National Park is a Sanctuary for Asiatic lions.You can see the lion in sasan gir forest park. The Sasan Gir Forest National Park is open for a visitors for in time November to January is best time to visit a Sasan Gir Forest National Park, so you can see the lion in real life in forest on gir. The park is close period 15 june to September. 

Barda  Wildlife Sanctuary 

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           The barda Wildlife Sanctuary is very dense forest of Gujarat.This forest near Porbandar. The barda wild life sanctuary is contain many animal species also contain many bird species.

Jambugoda Wildlife Sanctuary 

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   The Jambugoda wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat Panchamahal District. In jambughoda cobra, python, hyenas, the tailor bird, jackals, the golden oriole, ducks, teals and crocodile. The Jambugoda wildlife sanctuary are around 130 sq km.
       The Jambugoda wildlife sanctuary is around Vadodara  District as well, If you want to visit Jambugoda wildlife sanctuary so best period is July and February 

Nalsarovar Bird sanctuary 
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             The Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is largest wetland  bird Sanctuary in The Gujarat .This sanctuary around Ahmedabad and near sanand village.In The Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary 200 species of bird are available. flamingoes, pelicans, ducks & geese, rails, coots, cranes, cormorants, herons, egrets, storks, spoonbills, teals, sarus cranes, moorhens and waders bird species are found hear.In this Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary jackal, Indian fox, mongoose, are found.